domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

My resolution this time.

After I have seen my real grades on the forst stage of the contest to take part as a public servant I have decided that if this time I do not get it , it may be because I am not good enough and it is all my falult and noone else should be blamed because of that. If you really wwant to get to that position you should then make a bigger effort. The question here is ¿ How in the world am I going to do that? I was already giving the best I had( an a verage of 4 hours every day) and even neglecting my family over this.I have made some calculations again and according to my  information I need to spend not 4 but 6 hours everyday to improve even more and assure my place in the next public examination. I tought how the heaven am I going to keep my job and at the same time invest 6  hours a day? I am still trying how to figure out the solution to this problem.I have not got a clue yet. I was checking and there is this book : el tiempo en tus manos which says that everythig starts by setting clear goals  in life. Well my goal is very clear: I want to become a diplomat, but at the same time I would like to keep what I have earned in life already.I know it is not possible to move forward in life without making neccesary sacrifices, but to what extent should I risk what I have?

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