domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

less is more


大学院で私の人生の中に初めての「零点」をもらいました。Cuando estudiaba la universidad fue cuando me reprobaron por primera vez.

しかも、私が一番得意な英語です。En lo que más era bueno es en Inglés
  銘伝大学では院生になっても、日本語学科の学生にもかかわらず英語は必修科目です。 Aunque me convertí en un estudiante de la universidad de Ming Chuang,Aún cuando estudiaba materias en japonés , el inglés era una materia obligatoria.

Eso no era problema para mí.

それで、他のクラス メートは英語に悩んでいるとき、私は結構楽でした。
Entonces cuando otros compañeros se quejaban del inglés yo me sentía muy bien.
Sí hacía muy bien los trabajos y los examenes asignados por el maestro seguramente podría pasar.

sin embargo , en la vida hay cosas inesperadas.


siempre había pensado que el inglés era muy fácil.

después de el examén de medio termino

Miré los resultados de la puntuacion de un pequeño ensayo de inglés
驚き すぎて話しができなくなりました。
y me sorprendí tanto que no pude articular palabra alguna.


había una gran marca roja.


Pensé que había sido un excelente trabajo

Pero después de preguntarle al maestro lo entendí todo.

それ は提出の時間は中間テストの時間が終る前で、
el tiempo de entrega era hasta antes del examen intermedio.
no era ese día
No se podía consentir en que no se entregaran los examenes a tiempo.


debido a ser tan orgulloso no escuche con atención las indicaciones del profesor

そういう結果になりま した。
obtuve este resultado

por fin entendí el dicho
una última gota hace que la taza se desborde
poco es mejor

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

What to do when things do not go your way?

Some people would say I am exagerating , may be I am. But recently i have been having a series of unfortunate events. What I can do about them is just to reflect on how to avoid them in the future. Many things happened today. I should be grateful just for being alive. But it is just  that sometimes things go wrong , and it has not just been once but many times this week. To start I crashed my car and I had to pay a huge amount of money, I took it fine I even did not care a lot , I was not scared.,I payed that money willingly just to learn a lesson in life. I need to pay a book from the libary because I spilt coffe on it. I took like one hour yesterday to make an invoice and it was returned and I need to rewrite it to get payed. I was planning to have a relaxing supper with my wife and suddenly my parents in law appeared so change of plans , this  week I received less salary than I expected from work . A package I was looking forward to receiving was returned and I lost money again , not to mention this had happened before and I did not learn the lesson.
On my car I can not do anything , accidents will happen again.
from the book that I need to recover I will not borrow any anymore. If needed I will just read it there, at the library.
about the invoice I will correct the mistake and if that person who returned the invoice is acting on bad faith then I will need to evaluate whether to keep this costumer or not .
about parents in law I will try to avoid them . If I see their car or  truck I will just run away and stay in my car
or going to do some shopping while they finish, so I do not have to see them.
About the salary , there is nothing I can do about that . The only way is to have my own business and becoming so rich that I do not depend on anyone's money.
About the package , it is Mexico and in Mexico this sort of things happen  usually because people don't do their job well . As the president said once and I quote : It is in our culture.
So in this case there is not a specific solution to this but to move to a different  country , even when I have a good life here.
Another point is how to get people to respect you..
being responsible and having lots of money is one way , not depending on anyone.
not being playful with people who can hurt you. 
In general my life is going well but I wish I did not have so many misses.